The rather optimistic title of this forum (... after the Turmoil) says it all: Host Ackermann sees "the dust settling". What is the response to crisis, how can this lead to an "optimal system"?
The basis of this discussion is that Mervin King suggested the IMF should become a non-resident board, IMF might be in charge of lending decisions, but the management should be much more independent. Thomas Mirow, President of ERDB, recommends to be cautious. "All that is decided, has daily impact on the people." To think "the people will just be doing fine" would be naive (err...
As the smoke seems to have cleared by now, I thought it would be good to sum up the major developments about the Ruggie-Report on Business and Human Rights.
A couple of weeks ago, the pension fund of the MEP (Members of European Parliament) divested from Petrochina, China's state-run oil firm and Sudan's largest oil partner.
IBM and National Geographic invites you to send in a part of your cheek and to see if you're originally (and genetically) from Africa (I'm a spoiler: Yes, you are).
I usually don't give a sustainability report much of a plug here, but this might be worthwhile mentioning: Henkel not only receives regular laurels within the German CSR-community for their reporting, but does so as well internationally now, see their
At UN: Google and Censorship Is Google a member of Global Compact? If you're a news agency and ask this question, will you get delisted from their news service? A technical glitch, of course, corrected a few days later.... btw: they are not a member.