After this blog had been dormant or link-rolling for a while, we would like to give it a go again. While doing this, let me apologize for any comments that had been omitted - with hundreds of spam messages each week, I might have overlooked a few comments on older posts.
We have now introduced a registration with 'handmade' approval procedure, so: If this blog is still within your RSS-feed, please register now. With this, you can not only continue to lurk and comment but as well send blogposts to "CSR and Conflict" - in wordpress terms, a true "contributor" status.
A few words on formalities:
When contributing, please note the "categories" you find within the blog as well as within your edit-suite (sidebar to the right). Any further category suggestions please mail to torsten.sewing [at]
As you will see when posting/editing, you may add "tags" as well. For this, please have a look at the . While you of course may add new tags, please bear in mind that we already have quite a few, so please do have a look at the tagcloud (see sidebar), to be safe that similar ones have not already been created.
If the "upload-picture" function looks a bit confusing, just leave it and email me the pic you'd like to have (every post should have a pic, graph etc., if possible).
Thanks and keep on blogging :)