Von torsten , 8 Februar 2008 links for 2008-02-08 Ivey Business Journal - Interview with Jeffrey SachsSachs on learnings from Asia, such as special economic zones, and that these would be beneficial to African countries, too. Tags economics and development Africa business poverty CSR
Von torsten , 1 Februar 2008 links for 2008-02-01 World Bank: Developing Countries Must Improve Capacity to Absorb and Use TechnologyTechnology helps in reducing poverty - but neccessary infrastructure is lacking(tags: World Bank social tech) Tags World Bank social tech corruption CSR social entrepreneurship
Von torsten , 30 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-30 $100 laptop' production begins Tags social tech internet kids poverty technology culture development CSR
Von torsten , 21 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-21 Journalists from Brazil and Colombia win Prize for Investigative Journalism in Latin America Tags corruption Colombia Brasil transparency social tech China CSR reporting
Von torsten , 8 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-08 Lighting the bottom of the pyramidIt's there! The cooperation of IFC and Philips seems to have produced a tangible result Tags bottom of the pyramid CSR development technology new partnerships resource rich Libya climate change biofuels banks social marketing Islam religion social tech web2.0 journalism
Von torsten , 7 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-07 Hess Corporation Publishes 2006 Corporate Sustainability Report(tags: CSR reporting) Information Platform with News, Information, Research and Commentary on Maintaining Viable Communities, Local Economies and Justice Tags CSR reporting web participatory advocacy research PCR social tech social networks web2.0 PSD bottom of the pyramid case studies
Von torsten , 6 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-06 Reducing fat cat's pay in Germany?(tags: corporate governance) Tags corporate governance global compact CSR climate change
Von torsten , 29 Juni 2007 links for 2007-06-29 UNRISDCritical approach of risks/opps CSR in North/South context(tags: CSR business ngo) Tags CSR business ngo
Von torsten , 4 November 2006 links for 2006-11-04 Tags CSR Milton Friedman post-conflict Solomon Islands investment development internet World Bank resources business conflict Ghana PSD