Von torsten , 19 März 2008

PersilI usually don't give a sustainability report much of a plug here, but this might be worthwhile mentioning: Henkel not only receives regular laurels within the German CSR-community for their reporting, but does so as well internationally now, see their

Von torsten , 13 März 2008
  • At UN: Google and Censorship
    Is Google a member of Global Compact? If you're a news agency and ask this question, will you get delisted from their news service? A technical glitch, of course, corrected a few days later.... btw: they are not a member.
Von torsten , 16 Februar 2008

GRIIt's all very well that most companies by now claim to report along the guidelines of GRI. However, even the ones that indeed do so (there are a few hundreds that only claim but are not approved) seem to get some problems with this.