Von torsten , 24 März 2007

JohnAfter there had been little uptake of our blog in 2006 (our own hits not counting...), we discontinued it for the time being. We hope to get it back on track this summer break, extending on readership and content through some viral stuff, CSR-chicks etc.

Von torsten , 22 Dezember 2006

The way of how transnational corporations (TNCs) should or could behave in areas of conflict remains largely absent from the agendas of  most companies and their stakeholders. Exceptions to this are only the most blatant and negative cases: corporate activities fuelling wars (e.g. "blood diamonds"); corporations generating large profits through personal allegiances (e.g. Kellog, Brown & Root in Iraq); or corporations establishing business leads to e.g. government contracts through corruption ("if we don't do it, our competitor will").

Von torsten , 20 Oktober 2006

Managing Partner of Comm Unity

Von torsten , 17 Oktober 2006

OECDForeign Direct Investment (FDI) remains a cornerstone of new international development commitments. But how effective is it, and how can donor countries maximise its benefits? A recent OECD-paper looks at the connections between aid, trade and investment policies.