Von torsten , 9 Oktober 2006

vert-cover-poker.jpgThis weekend's Observer ran an interesting piece on the UK Tory Party's fundraising: While Sting and his wife Trudi Styler, Jemima Khan, her partner Hugh Grant and some 26 others paid 10.000 GBP a head to play cards at an exclusive London member's club, they thought they did so to raise mo

Von torsten , 4 Oktober 2006

bop2Management guru C.K. Prahalad gave a lecture to World Bankers at their headquarter on "Democratising commerce". He has a critical take on an aid industry of governments and NGOs that tends to see the poor as victims to be helped.

Von torsten , 29 September 2006

Peter Baumann pointed me to an interesting (well, Brandon's articles are all interesting) piece by Brandon Hamber on the missing link between domestic business and charities/NGOs in Africa:

Donor money should be coming not only from the international community and channelled by local funders, but local sources should also provide funding.

Von torsten , 25 September 2006

The publication by International Alert defines peacebuilding as broad as its cause: violent conflict is the manifestation of a profound breakdown within a society. "Peacebuilding therefore needs to be a comprehensive transformative process: it is not an adjunct to economic growth, but rather the function of economic growth in conflict contexts." (p78)

Clearly the meta-analysis approach to conflict (Mari Fitzduff) has arrived.