Von torsten , 23 März 2009 links for 2009-03-23 Metrics From The Ground Up | MetricsWorkshop09.collectivex.com Tags development impact metrics
Von torsten , 22 März 2009 links for 2009-03-22 SRI Homepage/System of Rice Intensification Tags rice agriculture sustainability research development poverty
Von torsten , 30 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-30 $100 laptop' production begins Tags social tech internet kids poverty technology culture development CSR
Von torsten , 8 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-08 Lighting the bottom of the pyramidIt's there! The cooperation of IFC and Philips seems to have produced a tangible result Tags bottom of the pyramid CSR development technology new partnerships resource rich Libya climate change biofuels banks social marketing Islam religion social tech web2.0 journalism
Von torsten , 5 Juli 2007 links for 2007-07-05 GSDRC: The reconstruction of states affected by conflict (part 2)DFID resources(tags: post-conflict reconstruction development) Tags post-conflict reconstruction development PSD Africa banks
Von torsten , 4 November 2006 links for 2006-11-04 Tags CSR Milton Friedman post-conflict Solomon Islands investment development internet World Bank resources business conflict Ghana PSD